An original short film exploring the power of the Lament Configuration and the consequences it brings.

SYNOPSIS: Kristy, a horror-obsessed superfan, orders a particular piece of 'hellraiser' memorabilia and with it brings powers and pleasures beyond her wildest imagination.

Written and Directed by: Ian Rayburn

Cast: Caroline Concordia Laura Okuda-Hara Zak Boychuk Yuli Buchannon Ian Rayburn

Cinematography: Ian Rayburn George Petrovic

Sound Recordist: Lance Charmingson

Edited by: Ian Rayburn

Sound Design by: Yuli Buchannon

Special Make-Up Effects: CUB EFX. CO


Ian Rayburn - @ianrayburn

Caroline Concordia - @Careovision

Laura Okuda-Hara - @lauraokudahara

Zak Boychuk - @getzakked

Yuli Buchannon - @yulibuchannon

George Petrovic - @grgptrvc

Iraybs Films - @Iraybsfilms

DISCLAIMER This short film is an independently produced Fan Film and in no way affiliated with Clive Barker, any of the Hellraiser franchise film property, or its characters. This project was created to show appreciation for everything Hellraiser. The film will be free and available to all. No profit will be made from its viewings. Please enjoy and thank you for watching!